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André Audet Photography

The views from the Bluffs in Sussex-Corner

The Bluffs Trail in Sussex-Corner, New Brunswick, provides great views of the farming community.

Although the view was breathtaking, it was a little bit challenging to shoot. There were no clouds at all in the sky, and the valley was in the shade while the sky was still very bright. Also, being on the edge of a cliff, there weren't many options for adding foreground elements in my composition. I managed to find a composition I was happy about, packed the camera gear in my bag and sat down to just enjoy the view until it got dark.

a camera on a tripod on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a valley with farms and greenery
Here's a "behind-the-scenes" look

This was my first visit to the trail, and I had no idea what to expect. Although I'm sure this trail looks great throughout the year, I doubt that anything would beat visiting this trail while the fall colours are at their peak. Will definitely go back!

Wide view of Sussex-Corner, a farming community, seen here in the fall.
A panoramic look at Sussex-Corner, New Brunswick


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